Saturday, October 15, 2005

I'm not going to number these'll get confusing....

I think sometimes I'm depressed
I'm afraid I'm going to repeat some facts about me
I have a horrible memory, but remember saying that before
I'm having trouble in algebra
I no longer like working on Saturdays
I would change ALOT of the past if given the chance
I wouldn't care about the catastrophic outcomes
I like some punk music
I don't like rap
I don't watch tv at all anymore
I want to exercise more
I want my daughter to be happy
I don't think she is
I am afraid she is trying to hard at some things, but she doesn't talk to me anymore, so I can't help her
My son is very sensitive
My youngest son is sick right now
I miss going to the drive-in
I like milk
I have serveral very old keychains that I can't get rid of
I have a strange fondness for water bottles
I should be doing homework right now
I guess at most things I don't know about
I have an answer for everything
I believe everyone until given a reason not to
I trust everyone until given a reason not to
I am becoming less religious as the years go by
I still believe in God and thank him for what he's given me...that's about it
I have tons of pictures
My daughter made me a scrapbook for my birthday this year
I leave it out so I can grab it in case of an emergency
I like Stephen King
I like his books too :-)
I want to know famous people
They would like me I'm sure
I like surprising people
I think the end of the world is near
It scares the mess out of me
I wonder how many of these I've written so far
I'm tired, but slept alot last night
I want to move right NOW
I can, not only twist, and taco my tongue, but I can make it into a spoon, and do the wave with it.
I think I saw that on David Letterman's stupid human tricks once
I like to draw, but only sometimes do it well
I wish I was naturally talented in music
I have to work hard at everything
People tell me I'm "nice"
I need a second job
My new bedroom is going to be yellow
I have blue eyes
The only jewelry that i regularly wear is a gold thumb ring I bought myself years ago
It's too big for my thumb now so i wear it on my pointer finger
My ears are pierced twice
Those are the only piercings I have
I have a tattoo
I want 2 more
I have big feet
I get that from my dad
My father's nickname was bigfoot
I'm going to do my homework